Need to Remortgage?

Whether you are looking at consolidating your debts, raising money for home improvements, looking for a better monthly payment than you currently have, or want to restructure the terms of your current loan, we trust you will find this guide valuable. Remortgaging can help your financial health in many ways.

In simple terms, remortgaging involves moving your current mortgage to a new arrangement, arranged either with your existing lender or with a new lender. It is very similar to the home buying process. That said, as it is not something that you do every day so it is important to ensure you have a clear understanding of the process and your knowledge is up-to-date.

The remortgage market is complex. There are many different mortgages to choose from. So it’s good to know that, as your adviser, we are on hand to answer your questions.We will help you with the tricky process of not only getting a mortgage, but getting the right mortgage. We take pride in offering a personal service that takes into account your individual circumstances. Your financial situation is unique, so we work hard to understand your goals and aspirations, and make f inancial recommendations based on a comprehensive and detailed analysis of your needs.

Our role is to:

  • Ensure you do not waste money unnecessarily by paying a higher monthly amount than you need to for your borrowings
  • Save you time and effort by choosing the most appropriate solution
  • Stop you missing out on the most cost effective way of arranging your loan

Get in touch today!